Cereal Muesli Granola

Our Services Cereal Muesli Granola

Grange has a number of contracts with some of the market leaders in this industry, where the brands reputation is at the forefront of importance.
We produce cereals and muesli in a variety of pack designs such as sachet, bag in box and potfil.
In this sector we produce a large quantity of export products with added complexity of multilingual packing and coding aspects, Coupled with this a high importance for allergen control in which we boast 100% pass rate in allergen testing and verification of our allergen control procedures using external labs.
With the current push in the healthy eating sector of the market this is becoming an ever growing sector of our business we pride ourselves in being a diverse production facility whilst keeping abreast of current legislation and allergen control requirements.
We have a catalogue of approved inclusion suppliers we can recommend for recipe development.